About Techtank

Together we work for a sustainable and competitive industry

Techtank is an industrial cluster and a regional development organisation in Blekinge, southeastern Sweden, whose mission is to strengthen the competitiveness of the industry. Our business is aimed at industrial and technology companies as well as industry-related companies, both small and medium-sized and large companies. We work actively and close to the companies to identify their needs, and coordinate efforts to meet the challenges – in the present and in the future.

Techtank’s vision:

A sustainable competitive Swedish industry.

Techtank’s mission:

Develop south-eastern Sweden’s industry to increased sustainability and growth, by actively supporting the industry with relevant and qualitative initiatives in competence, technology and business development.

Techtank’s owners are Region Blekinge together with Blekinge’s five municipalities – Karlshamn, Karlskrona, Olofström, Ronneby and Sölvesborg. The industrial cluster we operate consists of industrial and technology companies of all sizes, from small and medium-sized enterprises to multinational global leading companies.

Together with various partners, we run projects and efforts that provide concrete benefits in areas such as strategic competence supply, production efficiency, digitalization, automation, robotization, innovation, circularity and sustainability.

Techtank works to strengthen cooperation between industry, society, research institutes and academia. We have a well-developed network and often act as a link and facilitator between the companies and the resources available to support the companies in their development work.

Techtank exists to strengthen the competitiveness of the regional industry. In that way, we also strengthen the development of the regional economy and welfare.

Activities in three Business areas

Techtank focuses on three business areas to promote the development of industrial companies and thus contribute to increased growth in the region:

Competence Development & Skills Provision

One of the most decisive factors for companies’ opportunities and ability to develop is their access to the right skills. This is why Techtank is working to secure, strengthen and develop companies’ skills base. This is done through measures including:

  • Needs-based training programmes and courses
  • Skills surveys & needs analyses
  • Networks for sharing experiences within different skills areas
  • Recruitment initiatives & attracting talent
  • Cooperation with universities/colleges, for example, degree projects, student projects, study visits
  • Advocacy regarding relevant engineering programmes in the region
  • Cooperation with for example Teknikcollege and Kreativum Science Center to increase interest in engineering among young people

Technological Development & Innovation

Technology and innovation projects are becoming increasingly important in order to compete on a global market. Techtank provides companies with the opportunity to keep themselves updated on the latest within the field of technology thanks to initiatives including:

  • Seminars & workshops
  • Digitalisation processes
  • Test centre/lab
  • Network and study trips for sharing experiences and gaining new knowledge
  • Cooperation with R&D stakeholders
  • Special focus/Smart specialisation within for example Stamping

Business Development & Growth

Through export initiatives and exposure to new product markets, companies can strengthen their capacity and offerings and more deals can be done, while simultaneously becoming less vulnerable by broadening the client base. Techtank’s initiatives within this area include:

  • Inspirational seminars concerning new product markets
  • Meetings that span multiple industries
  • Export activities

Download 1-pager about Techtank (pdf)