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Lunch and Lab - Prototyping/Design Thinking

Innovation Lab, Växjö Linnaeus Science Park, Växjö

7 februari 2024 kl. 11.30-13

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Lunch and Lab - Prototyping/Design Thinking
Innovation Lab, Växjö Linnaeus Science Park, Växjö
7 februari 2024 kl. 11.30-13

Lunch and Lab is an event serie hosted by Växjö Linnaeus Science Park in the Innovation Lab. Join a lunch while diving into the exciting world of innovation. Each lunch has a new topic to discover and open to all, regardless of your expertise level. During this lunch, we will dive deep into the current developments and advancements in Prototyping/Design Thinking.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just beginning to explore the world of Prototyping/Design Thinking, you’ll find valuable insights and engaging discussions awaiting you.

Where: Innovation Lab, Växjö Linnaeus Science Park, Växjö
When: 7 February 11:30-13:00

This event is held through the project DigIT Hub.

If you have questions, please contact

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